Scuba Diving 5/13/18

This week we had a very exciting and busy week of science. To start of, we worked on our roller coasters more, for the most part Rowan and I are done with our roller coaster, we just need to put together our google slides to convince the city commissioners that they want to build it. But, anyone in their right mind would never build that thing. Considering that it claims to have “state of the art” technology in duct tape seat belts. Just knowing that it is being held together by duct tape is a little unsettling. The most exciting thing that we did this week was going scuba diving at the civic center. First off though, we had to go to Scuba North to learn about how it works. I kind of forgot about some of the things that he told us about physics, but I do remember that you should never hold your breath. At the Civic Center, the girls went first. The tank wasn’t really heavy in the water due to the buoyancy. At first I had a bit of an issue, because I do not weigh a lot, and also the vest was a bit big, so whenever the tank shifted, I rolled over. I also found that when going deeper I had trouble with equalizing my ears. I was trying to plug my nose and blow, but for some reason it wasn’t working. But, it wasn’t too uncomfortable, so it was fine. On Thursday, we cleaned up the Peace Garden. There were lots of weeds and leaves all over, so we all had a pair of gloves and a rake. It was kind of difficult to pick up the leaves in the garden, because there were flowers everywhere that you didn’t want to step on. I took a lot of footwork to get through it. During the cleanup, we somehow got into a deep conversation about the movie Ratatouille, and from there, Lilo and Stitch. I am not sure how that came up, but it was pretty funny. I am thankful that we were able to experience scuba diving, and I am also very excited for all of the flowers to bloom in the Peace Garden, it’s going to be so pretty!

Three Questions

  • How has time flown by so fast? I can’t believe that it’s already less than a month till graduation!
  • Why did I have trouble equalizing my ears?
  • Are the bends (in scuba diving) just painful, or could they actually be fatal?

One thought on “Scuba Diving 5/13/18

  1. It was a busy, fun and educational week in science. Your roller coaster is a bit scary but it works! I am glad scuba diving worked out and that you were able to get under the water. I, too, have a hard time equalizing my ears. It may have to do with the length of your eustachian tubes. Anyway, these last weeks have flown by and you will be graduating soon!!!

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